EpiPen 101

An EpiPen is an epinephrine auto-injector. It’s widely used as an emergency treatment for anaphylaxis, which occurs with severe allergic reactions. Much like “Kleenex” or “Q-Tip”, EpiPen is the brand name for the device,  and it has become the main choice for epinephrine injectors.  What is Anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is life-threatening

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What You Should Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine and Allergies

COVID-19 Vaccine and Allergies The COVID-19 vaccine has brought about many questions, especially among people with allergies. Given that the vaccine has caused some rare, severe allergic reactions, people with allergies need to be informed about the risks involved in getting vaccinated.  Allergies to Ingredients in the COVID-19 Vaccine The

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Not a Cure: What Allergy Shots Really Do

Not a Cure: What Allergy Shots Really Do There has been a lot of buzz lately about allergy shots, and a lot of patients with allergies are pretty excited at the thought of not having to worry as much about their health. But there are also a lot of misconceptions

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What Allergy Shots Are and How They Work

If you have been suffering from allergies for most of your life, you may be interested in what many people are calling allergy shots. These allergy shots are supposed to limit or eliminate your allergy, depending on who you talk to. In reality, allergy shots can help reduce allergic reactions

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What Are Allergy Shots, and How Can They Help?

You may have heard of allergy shots and how they can help “cure” allergies. While allergy shots are not a miracle cure, they can greatly limit, if not eliminate, your allergy symptoms to certain substances over time. Learn more about allergy shots and how they might be able to help

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