If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms, a professional can identify the allergy trigger that’s affecting you and create an individualized treatment plan, but at what point do you need to see an allergist instead of opting for over-the-counter remedies?
Mild allergies such as hay fever can often be effectively treated with non-prescription medication, leading people to wonder if they need care from a professional. Here, we’ll discuss the instances in which you should see an allergist to get relief from your symptoms.
You Want To Get to the Root of Your Allergies.
If you’re unsure of the exact cause of your allergies, you may want to consider visiting an allergist. Allergists like Dr. Kratz offer allergy testing to identify the cause of allergy symptoms. After performing a simple allergy test, your allergist will know whether or not allergy shots can relieve your symptoms and can recommend further treatment.
You’re Experiencing Persistent Allergy Symptoms.
Many people experience allergic rhinitis, which is also called hay fever. Hay fever is seasonal, meaning that its symptoms only strike during certain times of year (commonly spring, summer, and/or early autumn). Usually, people can manage hay fever symptoms with over-the-counter allergy medication. However, if you’re not getting relief from OTC remedies or if your allergy symptoms last throughout the year, it’s worth visiting an allergist to find an effective treatment option.
You Have Both Asthma and Allergies.
Dr. Kratz specialize in both asthma and allergies. These conditions are closely linked, given that allergies can increase the risk of an asthma attack. So if you have both asthma and allergies, you should visit an allergist for a personalized treatment plan to manage these conditions. There are multiple treatments available today for asthma and allergies that can be suggested.
If you need a lasting solution to allergy symptoms, call us at 727-300-2560 to schedule an appointment with our expert, Dr. Kratz.