Preparing for Spring Allergies
Do you usually have spring allergies? If your symptoms haven’t started already, now is the time to prepare for your spring allergies. Careful preparation can help you manage your allergy symptoms and make springtime more bearable. February is the start of spring and pollination in Florida, so it is important to act now. Here are some ways you can prepare yourself for handling spring allergies.

Spring Cleaning
Do your spring cleaning a bit earlier than you normally might. Spring cleaning like sweeping away cobwebs, dusting, vacuuming, and changing air filters can all remove allergens from the air. This allows you to start off with a clean and allergy free home.
Don’t Open Windows
As the weather warms up, it can be tempting to open up your windows and let some fresh breezes into your home. This is a horrible mistake, especially after you do your spring cleaning. Opening up your windows allows all types of allergens to enter your home, and they can cause your symptoms to flare unless you clean your home from top to bottom a second time.
Track Pollen Levels
You can easily track Florida pollen levels on the National Weather Service website, as well as on other online resources. When you start seeing the pollen counts rise, you’ll know that it’s about time for your allergy symptoms to start. You can also try to avoid being outside when pollen or mold counts are high.
Start Treatment Early
It is best to start treatment for your spring allergies about two weeks before you expect to start having symptoms. Since spring allergies start in February in Florida, it is important to get into our office for treatment as soon as possible. By starting treatment early, you can head off the worst of your allergy symptoms.
If you are ready to tackle spring allergies head on, contact us today for more information or to schedule your appointment.