Potential Side-Effects Of Fasenra And How To Manage Them

Potential Side-Effects Of Fasenra And How To Manage Them

At Kratz Allergy & Asthma, we use Fasenra to treat severe eosinophilic asthma. Fasenra is a highly effective medication that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of severe eosinophilic asthma in patients aged 12 years and older. In clinical trials, Fasenra has been shown to significantly reduce asthma exacerbations and improve lung function in patients with high levels of eosinophils in their blood.

Studies have also shown that Fasenra can help reduce the need for oral corticosteroids, which can have serious side effects when used long-term. Fasenra has also been well-tolerated in clinical trials, with few serious side effects reported. The FDA approval of Fasenra is based on extensive clinical data and represents an important step forward in the treatment of severe eosinophilic asthma.

Fasenra is generally considered safe and effective, but as with all medications, there are potential side effects to be aware of. It is important for patients to be informed about these side effects so that they can make informed decisions about their treatment and know what to expect.

*Please Note: These are only potential side effects and you may not experience any side effects at all after receiving Fasenra.

Potential Side-Effects Of Fasenra And How To Manage Them

I. Injection Site Reactions

Injection site reactions are common and typically involve slight pain, swelling, or redness at the site where the injection was administered. While these reactions are usually mild and resolve on their own within a few days, the pain can last in some cases. However, it is easily manageable. Just apply a cold compress to the injection site for 15 mins two to three times a day. It will reduce the swelling and pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, may also be helpful.

II. Headache

Headache is a common side effect of Fasenra. It usually occurs within a few hours of receiving the injection and is generally mild and short-lived. You do not have to worry about it. The cause of these headaches is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to the immune response triggered by the medication.

To manage a headache after Fasenra, over-the-counter pain relievers can be used. Resting in a quiet, dark room may also help to alleviate the symptoms. However, patients can experience more severe headaches in very rare cases that persist for several days. In such cases, you must consult your doctor.

III. Sore Throat

If you experience a sore throat after receiving Fasenra, it can make swallowing or talking difficult. You can try drinking warm liquids like tea or soup, or even just warm water with honey and lemon to manage this side effect. Also, you can use throat lozenges or sprays to soothe the throat. Gargling with warm salt water can soothe the pain as well. Also, avoid consuming spicy food or cold food as long as the sore throat persists.

IV. Back Pain

Some patients have complained about back pain after receiving Fasenra. The pain is not severe but it can cause discomfort and prevent you from carrying out your daily activities. In most cases, it does not require much attention. Maintaining good posture and doing gentle stretching exercises for a few days after the injection can help to relieve pain.

Also, using a supportive pillow or cushion while sitting can help. You can consider applying a hot or cold compress to the affected area as well. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be used for reducing pain.

V. Flu-like Symptoms

Flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, and muscle aches can occur after receiving a Fasenra injection. This happens because Fasenra works by targeting specific cells in the immune system, which can lead to an immune response similar to the flu.

These symptoms do not last more than a few days. They are usually mild and self-limited, and go away on their own. Just take rest and drink plenty of fluids during those days. It is also recommended to avoid contact with individuals who are sick to prevent the spread of infection.

VI. Nausea

Nausea is a side effect of Fasenra. It is important to note that while nausea is a potential side effect of Fasenra, not everyone who receives the medication will experience this symptom. Just like the other symptoms, you may experience nausea at any time from a few hours to a few days after receiving a Fasenra injection.

Nausea happens because Fasenra stimulates the immune system to attack certain cells that can trigger an inflammatory response. This immune response can cause the release of chemicals that lead to nausea. As long as you keep your body hydrated, you should not experience a lot of discomfort. Also, eat small and frequent meals instead of large meals. Ginger tea or ginger candies can also be beneficial in alleviating nausea symptoms. Avoiding spicy, greasy, or high-fat foods can also help reduce nausea.

VII. Dizziness

Some patients experience a sensation of lightheadedness or a spinning feeling after receiving Fasenra. Dizziness can be a concern if it affects balance or coordination. It occurs because the drug targets certain immune cells in the body. This causes a temporary decrease in blood pressure. Additionally, Fasenra can cause dehydration. Dehydration can contribute to feelings of lightheadedness. It is essential to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Also, always lie down or sit down if you feel dizzy. This will ensure that you do not fall down and injure yourself. Avoiding sudden movements can also help. Maintaining a healthy diet is also recommended.

Supporting Your Lung Health With Fasenra A Guide For Asthma Patients

Supporting Your Lung Health With Fasenra: A Guide For Asthma Patients

Asthma can be a life-altering condition, affecting millions of people around the world. It can leave you feeling short of breath as well as struggling to catch your next one and preventing you from doing many of the things you love. The good news is that with proper treatment, you can manage your asthma symptoms and support your lung health.  Fasenra is one of the treatment options that can help you work towards this goal.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at asthma, its impact on lung health, and how Fasenra can support your lung health. Let’s take a deep dive into the world of supporting your lung health and asthma management.

Understanding Asthma and Its Impact on Lung Health

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of breath.

For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.

Asthma can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes over time, it’s important that you work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust your treatment as needed.

Some of the most common symptoms of asthma include:

  • Shortness of breath that leaves you gasping for air
  • Wheezing that sounds like a creaky door
  • Coughing that never seems to go away, especially at night or early in the morning
  • Chest tightness that feels like an elephant is sitting on your chest
  • Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing
  • Trouble talking or exercising due to shortness of breath

These symptoms can greatly impact your quality of life, making it difficult to engage in physical activities, work, or even just carry out simple everyday tasks. This can leave you feeling frustrated, fatigued, and defeated.

Asthma can also have a significant impact on your lung health, leading to decreased lung function over time if not properly managed. This means that, without proper care and attention, you may be at risk for further health problems in the future.

That’s why it’s so important to take a proactive approach to managing your asthma and supporting your lung health.

Here are some steps you can take to help control your asthma and improve your lung health:

  • Work with your doctor to create an asthma action plan
  • Take all medications as prescribed, including quick-relief and long-term control medications
  • Avoid triggers such as smoke, dust, pet dander, and cold air
  • Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, such as walking or swimming
  • Stay informed and educated about your condition, and keep open communication with your doctor

Living with asthma can be challenging, but with the right care and support, you can live a healthy and fulfilling life.  Don’t let asthma hold you back – take control of your health today!

Take Control of Your Asthma with Kratz Allergy and Asthma in Port Richey, Florida. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced professionals, who are dedicated to providing you with the best care possible.

With a personalized approach to treatment and a focus on patient-centered care, we’re confident that you’ll find the relief you need.

What is Fasenra?

Fasenra is a biologic medication used to treat patients with moderate-to-severe asthma. It works by targeting and neutralizing the Interleukin-5 (IL-5) protein in the body, which contributes to airway inflammation and makes it difficult for patients to breathe.

It is delivered through a self-administered subcutaneous injection, making it a convenient and effective option for patients with asthma. It has been shown to provide long-lasting relief from asthma symptoms, including reduced frequency of asthma attacks and improved lung function.

One of the key benefits is its ability to provide rapid and sustained improvement in asthma symptoms. It can be especially helpful for patients who have struggled to control their asthma with other medications and treatments.

Additionally, Fasenra has been well-tolerated by most patients, with relatively few reported side effects.

It is important to note that Fasenra is not a cure for asthma, but rather a treatment to help manage symptoms. Patients should work with their healthcare provider to determine if Fasenra is the right option for them and to develop an overall asthma management plan.

How to Use Fasenra

Fasenra is a prescription medication, and it’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for safe and effective use. The dosage and frequency of administration will depend on your individual needs and the severity of your asthma symptoms.

As with any medication, there are potential side effects associated with Fasenra. The most common side effects include redness, swelling, and itching at the injection site, as well as headache and sinusitis.

It’s essential to be aware of these side effects and to report any concerns to your healthcare provider.

Supporting Your Lung Health with Fasenra

Fasenra is an excellent option for people with asthma who are looking to support their lung health and manage their symptoms. By reducing airway inflammation, Fasenra can help you breathe easier and lead a more active life.

It’s essential to remember that Fasenra works best when combined with other treatments, such as inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting beta agonists, and lifestyle modifications.

By taking a comprehensive approach to your asthma management, you can maximize the benefits of Fasenra and support your lung health.

5 Popular Myths About Fasenra Debunked

As we hinted earlier, Fasenra is a relatively new medication, and as with any new treatment, there can be misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Here are some popular myths about Fasenra that have been debunked:

  • Myth: Fasenra is not effective for treating asthma.

Fact: Fasenra has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation in the airways, reducing asthma symptoms, and improving lung function in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma.

  • Myth: Fasenra is only for severe asthma patients.

Fact: Fasenra is approved for use in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma, and it can be effective for individuals with different levels of severity.

  • Myth: Fasenra causes serious side effects.

Fact: Fasenra is generally well-tolerated by patients, and most side effects reported have been mild and temporary. Serious side effects are rare.

  • Myth: Fasenra is only for adults.

Fact: Fasenra is approved for use in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older.

  • Myth: Fasenra is a cure for asthma.

Fact: Fasenra is a treatment to help manage asthma symptoms, but it is not a cure for the condition. It should be used as part of a comprehensive asthma management plan.

Take control of your asthma and support your lung health with Fasenra

Supporting your lung health is essential for managing your asthma and living a full life. Fasenra is a convenient and effective option that can help you achieve this goal by reducing airway inflammation and improving your breathing.

Remember, you don’t have to struggle with asthma alone. With the right treatment and support, you can lead a fulfilling life and do the things you love.

Kratz Allergy and Asthma in Port Richey, FL is the place to be for anyone looking to alleviate their asthma symptoms. With a team of skilled allergists and asthma specialists, you can be assured that you’ll receive top-notch care and treatment options tailored to your individual needs.

Whether you need allergy testing or a comprehensive asthma management plan, our experts are committed to providing you with the best care possible to help you breathe easier and live a better life.

Don’t let asthma symptoms control your life, visit Kratz Allergy and Asthma today and experience relief.